Mar 30, 2021
This is the week the new 2021 NMJL cards will be arriving in the mail! Join Fern and Lorraine Urist as they discuss the new card, changes in sections, hands and values. If your card didn’t arrive just yet you can still glean information about the new card in this episode and be ready for when it arrives.
Mah's Helping...
Mar 24, 2021
Mar 16, 2021
In today’s episode Fern takes us back to the 1970s. Stacey, one of Fern’s Long Island mah jongg friends, shared her aunt’s old mahj cards. Listen in to hear about some mahj history and some background on the NMJL presidents. It’s a short but sweet episode. Thank you Stacey for sharing your aunts cards!
Mar 8, 2021
Join Fern and her talented guest Christine Whitman as they discuss how Christine was lured to the tiles and started a mah jongg related business. Hear how the mah jongg community helped Christine and her mah jongg playing husband Brett get through a devastating fire that left her home and business nothing but...
Mar 2, 2021
March is all about luck...or is it? This week's podcast is chock full of tips and strategies from the book by Elaine Sandberg: Winning American Mah Jongg Strategies. Grab a pen and paper and get ready for some great info to up your game. These tips will be helpful with our upcoming 2021 NMJL card too!